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Quick Guide to Self-Employment Tax Relief (Business Expenses)

As a sole trader, there’s one thing you cannot avoid: tax. But... what if you you're entitled to a reduction? Read on for the low-down!

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  • AbraTax Team
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Am I a “Sole Trader”?

Are you self-employed? Then you might be a sole trader! Read on for more details...

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  • AbraTax Team
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What is a Business Bank Account (and Do I Need One)?

One service (among many) that can significantly smoothen this process is a business bank account – but what exactly is a business bank account, and do you need one? Read on as we delve into the details!

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What is Income Tax Self Assessment?: Overview for Self-employment

Understanding Self Assessment is a fundamental aspect of financial responsibility. Whether you're self-employed or considering a new side hustle, understanding your tax obligations is key to smooth business and peace of mind...

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What Is The “Tax Gap” & Why Does It Matter?

Tackling the tax gap represents a huge focus for HMRC – but what is it and why does it matter to us?

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HMRC’s New Digital Platform Regulations: The Low-Down

The landscape for online trade is undergoing shift: there are new tax rules for digital platforms. In this article, we break down the key aspects of HMRC’s new tax rules and how they apply to you.

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  • AbraTax Team
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HMRC’s New Digital Platform Rules: Am I Affected?

HMRC’s new regulations for online platforms has left many of us scratching our heads: how do these rules apply to me? In this article, we we run through some of the key questions and myths, help you to keep up to date with latest tax news.

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What Is HMRC, Actually?

HMRC is a UK household name and vital financial institution – but what exactly is it and where did it come from?

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  • AbraTax Team
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Corporation Tax vs. VAT vs. Income Tax

The various types of tax and financial obligations can seem overwhelming... but they don't need to be!

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  • AbraTax Team